September: Wild edibles

This is a list of wild foods that can be foraged in the UK during September.
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Disclaimer: There are wild plants and fungi in the UK that are poisonous. Do not eat any wild edible that has not been positively identified. All edible mushrooms must be cooked. Do not use this site as your only source of information. Check the law before picking any wild plant. Nothing on this site is meant to encourage you to break any laws.
Humulus lupulus

Hop is best known for its use in the brewing of beer. The name ‘Hop’ is derived from the Anglo-Saxon ‘Hoppan’, which means to climb. This is indicative of the plants climbing nature. ‘Lupulus’ is Latin for small wolf. This name is owed to Hop’s tendency to strangle and kill other plants like a wolf kills sheep.
Where to find it:
- Hedge rows
- Scrub land
- Woodland edges
- Cone shaped fruits
- Toothed leaves, 3-5 lobes
To eat:
Shoots should be picked when young. These shoots can be chopped and added to soups and omelettes.
Jack by the hedge
Alliaria petiolata

Jack-by-the-hedge is a common annual or biennial. Its name is indicative of its tendency to grow along hedge banks. Its taste and smell bears resemblance to garlic, earning it the alternative name ‘garlic mustard’. Evidence suggests it was used as a spice as far back as 4100 B.C.E. making it one of the oldest known spices to have been used in Europe.
Where to find it:
- Hedge banks
- Waysides
- Woodland
- Small white flowers
- Light green leaves
- Up to 70cm tall
To eat:
Chopped up leaves can be added to salads and sauces. As a sauce it can be used to accompany meat or fish.
Velvet Shank
Flammulina velutipes

Unlike many other mushrooms, Velvet shank is one of the few mushrooms that survive through the winter, making it hard to miss-identify. ‘Flammulina velutipes’ translates roughly to ‘little flame with velvet legs’. Velvet shank is said to have anti-cancer properties.
Where to find it:
- Standing dead trees, particularly Beech, Ash, Oak and Elm
- Rotting wood
- Bright orange caps
- Up to 10cm across
- Velvety stem
To eat:
Remove the skin from the cap as it is difficult to digest. Stems are generally considered too tough to eat. Always cook the mushroom. Can be used in soups and stews.
boletus edulis

Cep is one of the most popular edible fungi in Europe. They have a mild nutty flavour. Indigestible variants are easily identified by red or purple pores on the stem.
Where to find it:
- Woodland
- Brownish
- Bulging pale stem
- 5-25cm tall
- Brown smooth cap
- White, yellow or brown gills beneath cap
To eat:
Remove the stem and scoop out the pores. Cep can then be eaten raw or cooked. Can be dried out and then soaked in water.
Fairy-Ring Champignon
Marasmius oreades

Fairy-Ring Champignon gets its name from the ‘fairy rings’ it grows in. It is very common and often found growing on lawns. Its culinary use is popular due to its sweet taste. Caution must be taken to distinguish Fairy-Ring Champignon from the poisonous Clitocybe species. Clitocybes are distinguishable by their lack of an ‘umbo’, which is a raised point in the middle of the cap.
Where to find it:
- Lawns
- Grassland
- 2-5cm cap
- Bump in centre of cap
- Pale tan colour
- Wide gills
To eat:
Add to stews or casseroles. Caps can be preserved by drying them out, then soaked in water to reconstitute them.
Rubus idaeus

This common fruit is among the first soft fruits to ripen in the year. It is found in the wild from bird seeding and is often cultivated in gardens.
Where to find it:
- Woods
- Hedges
- Heaths
- Red berry drupe-lets
- Shrub
- Small white flowers
To eat:
Can be picked and eaten raw. can also be made into jam.
Sea beet
Beta vulgaris

Sea beet is a plant found around the coastline of most of the UK. It is an ancestor of beetroot, and can be used in the same way. Its leaves can be eaten raw and are said to taste and have a texture similar to spinach.
Where to find it:
- Coastlines
- Shingle
- Cliffs
- Large fleshy leaves
- Green spiky flowers along the stem
- Up to 1m tall
To eat:
Smaller leaves can be used in salads. Larger leaves should be boiled until they turn dark green.
Wild strawberry
Fragaria vesca

Wild strawberries have been enjoyed by our ancestors for thousands of years. They have a stronger flavour than the garden variety but are smaller in size.
Where to find it:
- Trails
- Woodland
- Hedgerows
- Grassy banks
- Among bracken
- White five petaled flowers
- Red berries with seeds visible
To eat:
Ripe when red, strawberries can be washed and eaten raw. Can be added to a fruit salad or sugared.
Rubus fruticosus
Also known as ‘bramble’, blackberries are incredibly common and become ripe throughout August to October.
Where to find it:
- Woods
- Hedges
- Fields
- Wasteland
- Prickly shrub
- Small white flowers
- Purple-black fruit in drupe-lets
To eat:
Delicious eaten raw, but can be used in jams, pies and juices.
Sambucus nigra

Elder is a common plant throughout the UK. It has been used historically for medicinal purposes in eye lotions and skin ointments. It is believed to have been tied to the mane of horses in order to keep flies away.
Where to find it:
- Woods
- Commons
- Hedges
- Wasteland
- Up to 10m tall
- Small black-reddish berries
- Dark green leaves
To eat:
The flowers should be snipped off in clusters. These flowers can be consumed raw. These flowers can also be used to make sparkling wine.
When a cluster of berries are ripe, it will begin to turn upside down. These berries can then be added to pies or jams.
Corylus avellana

Hazelnuts are extremely nutritious and high in protein. They were widely eaten in prehistoric times.
Where to find it:
- Woods
- Hedges
- Oval shaped green nut
- Yellow catkins
To eat:
Remove from shell. Can be eaten raw. Can be chopped or grated and added to salads.